
  • BJAST Held the High-quality Popular Science Creation and Science Communication in the New Era Seminar and the Beijing International Science Communication Seminar Successfully
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  • On December 8, the High-quality Popular Science Creation and Science Communication in the New Era Seminar and the Beijing ൩ International Science Communication Seminar was successfully held. Focusing on the t💃heme, many experts and scholars in the field of science communication are invited to talk about the frontier topics of popular science. The meeting was held online and broadcast live on the Wechat channel of Beijing Association for Science and Technology.

    The seminar was guided by the BJAST and the Beijing Association of Science and Technology, and co-sponsored by the International and Regional Cooperation Center and the Science Communication Center of the BJAST, the Zhongguancun Global High-end Think Tank Alliance and the Beijing Science and Technology International Exchange Center. The seminar was attended by about 400 science popularization practitioners from the North Academy of Sciences and the Beijing Assoౠciation for Science and Tech🧜nology.

    In this seminar, all the participants focused on the hot topics of science popularization, discussed the new connotation of enabling the era of Chinese path to modernization from multiple perspectives, and discussed the cutting-edge theories and development trends of science communication and science popularization in combination with their respective work fields and experiences. At the same time, t💙hrough the live broadcast platform, the conference spread the cutting-edge scientific views to the public, provid💫ing new ideas and reference for how to do science popularization work in the new era.

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