
  • President Wu Jianmin Visited the Beijing Milu Ecological Research Center for Research
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  • On November 3, Wu Jianmin, Deputy Secretary of the Leading Party Members’ Group and President of BJAST, visited the Beijing Milu Ecological Research Center for research. Bai Jiade, Secretary and Director of the General Party Branch of the Milu Center, Duan Jianbin, and Zhong Zhenyu, members and Deputy Directors of the General Party Branch, participated in the research.

    Wu Jianmin inspected the World Deer Exhibition, the Milu Life Exhibition, the Wild Animal Epidemic Diseases monitoring laboratory, and the Wildlife Protection Biology Laboratory, examined the wild life of the Milu, and listened to the relevant work report of the Center.

    Wu Jianmin emphasized that the Center should deeply explore the connotation of the Milu culture, and tell a good story of the Milu; Carry out popular science education activities popular to make the concept of ecological protection more deeply rooted in the hearts of the public; It is necessary to integrate digital technology into the exhibition, enrich the "opening methods" of the exhibition, optimize and upgrade the exhibition experience, and let the audience better contact and know the Milu; It is necessary to deeply demonstrate scientific principles and technology applications, and popularize scientific knowledge, scientific methods, scientific ideas and scientific spirit for the public.

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