
  • The Institute for Smart Aging of BJAST Received A team of the Aging Society Support Special Committee of the China Aging Well Association
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  • On November 11, Yu Wenlan, Secretary General of the Aging Society Support Special Committee of the China Aging Well Association, led a team to the Institute for Smart Aging for research and exchange. The team members includeWang Youli, the former director of the Working Young Women's Office of the Social Construction Committee of the National People's Congress, Tang Shichuan, a researcher of the Institute of Urban Safety and Environmental Science of the BJAST, and Wu Jianchun, president of the Beijing Hidik Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine. Shi Yanqin, secretary and director of Institute for Smart Aging, and heads of all departments attended the meeting.

    Yu Wenlan and her team visited the Key Laboratory of the Smart Aging Care and Service Project of the Innovation Platform of the Beijing Academy of Sciences and the Gait Stability and Balance Ability Test Laboratory for the Elderly, listened to the introduction of the main work and achievements of the institute on the elderly's health, safety and health care equipment research and development direction, and fully recognised its effectiveness in focusing on the elderly care service system. The two sides hope to further cooperation around the research and development of key technologies for smart aging health care and the popularization of science for smart aging care, realize complementary advantages, establish a regular cooperation mechanism, and strengthen communication.

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