
  • Beijing BJAST Holdings Co., Ltd. and Beijing Normal University Held a Science and Education Integration Cooperation Exchange Meeting
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  • On October 22, Beijing BJAST Holdings Co., Ltd. and Beijing Normal University held a science and education integration cooperation exchange meeting online, aiming to actively integrate into the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, the strategy of strengthening the country through talents, and the innovation driven development strategy, expand the collaborative integration and innovative development of science and technology, education, and talents between the BJAST and higher education institutions. Sun Genban and Huang Wenfeng, deputy director of the College-local Cooperation and Scientific Research Achievements Transformation Office of Beijing Normal University, Li Tingting, Director of School-enterprise Cooperation Affairs, Xu Liming♓, Director of Achievements Transformation Affairs, and other heads and experts participated in the meeting.

    The two sides discussed key cooperation projects and follow-up cooperation mechanisms such as science communication and achievements transformation. They agreed that they should jointly explore the integration and cooperation of science and education, promote the coordinat🍌ed innovation and development of enterprises, universities, and research institutes, and serve the construction of "double world-class" universities and high-quality development of regional economy.


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