
  • A Project Supported by BJAST scholars Gained Critical Progress
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  • Recently, the project "Exploration and Research of Rare Temporal Sources in the Universe" which is supported by BJAST scholars, made important scientific res🐬earch progress. Wang Xiaofeng, the curator of the Beijing Planetarium, made use of the Tsinghua University-Ma Huateng Sky Survey Telescope (TMTS) to find a blue larg🌟e-amplitude pulsators with a brightness about 110 times and a temperature of 6 times that of the sun at a distance of 8800 light years from the Earth. This discovery provides a key clue for the systematic interpretation of the physical origin of BLAP, and is of great significance for further improving the theory of stellar pulsation and evolution and for further understanding the predecessor stars of type Ia supernova.

    Over the past three years, Wang Xiaofeng's project team has made many important achievements in the field of time domain astronomy, including the construction of the Beijing Planetarium's Sky Survey Observation Platform, which is the key part of the project, and the binocular large field sky survey telescope, whic꧟h is nearing completion. In the future, the project team will carry out in-depth exploration and research, provide first-hand materials for astronomical science popularization, enhance the independent scientific research strength of the planetarium and the ability to transform scientific research achievements into science popularization resources.

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