
  • The 2022 ZGC Global High-level Think Tank Alliance Council Meeting and the Third Session of the First Director-general Meeting was Held Online
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  • On September 24, the 2022 ZGC Global High-level Think Tank Alliance Council Meeting and the Third Session of the First Director-general ♚Meeting was held online. The conference was hosted by the BJAST, organized by the International and Regional Cooperation Center and the "the Belt and Road" ♌International Science and Technology Cooperation Training Center of the BJAST, and attended by more than 80 participants from 55 think tank alliance governing units in 9 countries and regions, including China, Germany, France, South Korea, Malaysia, the United States, Japan, Serbia, India.

    This meeting summarized the development and work in 2022. The candidate members of the Alliance introduced their own situation and work achievements, and finally voted to elect six vice chairman units of the Think Tank Alliance. Then the participating members discussed the 2023 work plan of the Alliance, put forward a number of constructive suggestions from a global perspective, and offer advice and contribute wisdom to promote the normaliza🐽tion and institutionalization of internal exchanges and cooperation of the Think Tank Alliance, and improve the collaborative innovation capability.

    The working meeting of the members of the Alliance had a hot 🍌atmosphere, completed various scheduled agendas, and gathered consensus in extensive exchanges, which will play an important role in promoting the future development of the Think Tank Alliance.


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