
  • BJAST Co-organized the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Scientific Research Institute’s Trainings on the Use of Intellectual Property Rights
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  • On September 8, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Scientific Research Institute’s Trainings on the Use of Intellectual Property Rights jointly sponsored by the Beijing Municipal Intellectual Property Office and the BJAST were launched online. Zheng Xin, member of Leading ♛Party Members’ Group and Vice President of B🔥JAST, Xu Hailong, Director of the Intellectual Property Application Promotion Division of the Beijing Municipal Intellectual Property Office, and first-level researcher attended the meeting. The theme of this training is "High-value Patent Cultivation", and more than 130 people from scientific research institutes and technology companies in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region participated online.

    This training includes five special courses, which are intellectual property operation management, intellectual property layout, intellectual property rights protection, intellectual property finance, and patent data analysis. Zheng Xin pointed out that this training is not only a new way to implement the strategic cooperation agreement between the two parties, strengthen and serve the training of intellectual property professionals in scientific research institutes in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, but also implement the "Beijing Regulations on Intellectual Property Protection" and promote intellectual property interconnection. In the future, the BJAST will be more active in the cultivation of high-value patents, the application and transformation of intellectual property rights, and the training of professional talents, and continuously improve the construction and operation level of the intellectual property operation system, providing strong support for the development and construction of the best intellectual property area.

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