
  • BJAST Held the "International Science and Technology Innovation Exchange Conference of Medicine and Health Industry" of the Zhongguancun International Technology Trade Conference successfully
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  • ꦑOn September 15, the pre-conference promotion event of the "International Science and Technology Innovation Exchange Conference of Medicine and Health Industry" of the Zhongguancun International Technology Trade Conference - a special session of the China Association of Small and Medium Enterprises was successfully held in the form of a mixture of online and offline. The conference was jointly sponsored by the BJAST and the China Association of Small and Medium Enterprises, and organized by Beijing BJAST Holdings Co., Ltd., the Alliance of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Research Institute and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Research Institute Intellectual Property Utilization Alliance. In this event, many experts introduced cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements and 20 high-quality projects in the field of medicine and health industry. This event is also a new exploration by the BJAST to establish a cooperation mechanism for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, fully leverage the advantageous resources of science and technology, provide effective assistance for promoting the innovation and development of enterprises, and provide support and services for promoting the strategy of strengthening the country through science and technology.

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