
China Internet Information Center (CIIC, China.org.cn)
Date:2021-03-09 15:34


Founded in 2000, China.org.cn is a national key news portal site led by the State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China and managed by the China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration.

China.org.cn publishes information to the world with 11 versions in 10 languages. It has a visitor base covering over 200 countries and regions. It is a leading domestic and internationally renowned national multilingual communication platform.

China.org.cn is an authoritative platform for the release of national information and a reporting window for major events.

“Live Streaming” is the exclusive Chinese-English bilingual live broadcast platform for the press conference of the State Council Information Office.

As the designated live broadcast media, China.org.cn has received unanimous praise from society for its accurate report, speedy response, and extensive interaction at the scene of major international and domestic events.

Besides, China.org.cn is also a live webcast and public release platform that is heavily relied on by national ministries, local governments, and enterprises and institutions.

In the era of mobile Internet, China.org.cn creates a cross-platform, multi-terminal, and personalized mobile product matrix. With multilingual China.org.cn mobile versions and ChinaNews Apps as the main line, China.org.cn takes the advantage of mainstream social platforms at home and abroad to build three-dimensional communication channels, providing information services to different user groups.

In the future, China.org.cn will continue to make the best of its multilingual advantages to display China’s national conditions, make China’s voice heard, elaborate China’s stories vividly, and strive to present a vigorous, three-dimensional and diversified full-picture China to global netizens.

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